3 years – 60 countries. In 2011 I quit my job after saving up and started to travel around the world. I trekked amazing landscapes, checked off the bucket list, hitchhiked, slept anywhere I could, and made countless friends. These are my memories.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/WeCallThisHome
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wecallthishome/
TUMBLR: http://wecallthishome.tumblr.com/
TWITTER: wecallthishome8
CONTACT ME: http://www.wecallthishome.com/?page_i…
At 0:55 the film goes in chronological order of countries visited except for the snorkeling edit at 1:02.
For a list of locations in the film visit: http://www.wecallthishome.com/?page_i…
Carousel – Let’s Go Home (Sound Remedy Remix)
If you like the music please support Carousel and Sound Remedy.
Shot with a Nikon D700, Nikon D800, Canon 7D, Gopro 2, Gopro 3, Gopro 4, iphone 4s.
Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.